Nishi-no-Iri, Yorii city, Osato county, Saitama pref., Japan
Blocks of blueschist facies metamorphic rocks in the serpentinite mélange associated with Atokura Nappe. This serpentinite mélange is considered as a part of the Kiroko mélange at the southern margin of Atokura Formation. Kiroko mélange contains Early Devonian (400 Ma) metamorphic rocks.

Outcrop of blueschist facies metamorphic rocks in serpentinite in the Kiroko mélange. The grayish-white host is composed of albite, quartz, and jadeite. Quartz contacts jadeite. The transparent vein above the coin is quartz. The aggregates of fibrous blue crystals are crossite. Crossite is associated with quartz.
Reported Minerals
- Glaucophane
- Ferroglaucophane
- Albite
- Jadeite
- Corundum
Mineral Assemblages
- Quartz - Albite - Jadeite - Crossite