Yahazu Mine
Nishiba village, Ashikaga city, Tochigi pref., Japan
Bedded manganese deposit (Diagenesis)
Bedded manganese deposit preserving original chemical composition and sedimentary structures. This deposit is in bedded chert blocks of Unit 3 of Kuzu Complex, a member of Jurassic accretionary complex Ashio Belt.

Remain of a mine recovered manganese dioxide in chert ofUnit 3 of Kuzu Complex. An adit is at the center of this photograph. The adit wall is composed of grayish-white to grayish-yellow bedded chert, and a few black beds are ore body of manganese dioxide. Manganese dioxide beds are approximately parallel to chert beds, but it partially cuts the chert bed.
Reported Minerals
- Manganese dioxide
Mineral Assemblages
- Quartz - Manganese dioxide
- Mount Ryogai (Mn nodule)
- Mount Hachioji (Mn nodule)
- Yahazu Mine (Mn dioxide)
- Goshonoiri Mine (Mn dioxide)
Related Occurrences
- Bedded Mn (Diagenesis)
- Bedded Mn (Low-T zeolite facies)
- Bedded Mn (High-T zeolite facies)
- Bedded Mn (Prehnite-Pumpellyite facies)
- Bedded Mn (Pumpellyite-Actinolite facies)
- Bedded Mn (Greenschist facies)
- Bedded Mn (Epidote-Amphibolite facies)
- Bedded Mn (Amphibolite facies)
- Bedded Mn (Albite-Epidote-hornfels facies)
- Bedded Mn (Hornblende-hornfels facies)
- Bedded Mn (Pyroxene-hornfels facies)