TrekGEO > Geology of Japan > Sedimentary facies > Foreshore

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Depth of water

High tide - Ebb tide


Sands and gravels are well sorted by restless waves. Inner bars of longshore bars formed at upper shorefaces move on foreshores to form berms during the fair-weather condition. The speed of movement is 2 - 11m per a day. Beach cusps and berms may be formed along the high tide lines. Foreshore is a part of barrier islands and longshore bars. Foreshore is also the delta plain of fan delta

Sedimentary facies (Sediments)

Sands and gravels graded well. Fine - medium sand beds having clear laminations. Little mud is included. Quartz and heavy minerals such as magnetite and ilmenite are possibly concentrated.

Sedimentary facies (Structures)

Planar cross -stratifications gently (2 - 10 degree) inclined to the sea side, Swash / low angle wedge-shaped cross-stratification, Parallel stratification. Well sorted sand beds and gravel beds may deposit alternately at the seashores near mountains as gravels are supplied by storms.

Facies fossils

Trace fossils of worms such as Macaronichnus isp.

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