TrekGEO > Tillandsia Garden > Tillandsia minutiflora > Flowers

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Tillandsia minutiflora

- Flowers -


Tillandsia minutiflora

November 25th, 2021

Twice larger foliage. It flowered in November - March. The petal was yellow CMYK=(0, 20, 100, 0). The flowers were compoosed of 3 petals whose tips were edged. Stamens and a pistil are not visible. There are no inflorescences and a flower directly blooms at the tip of each foliage.

Tillandsia minutiflora

June 15th, 2024

Normal size foliage. The blooming period is approximately 5 days from May to June. Yellow flowers with 3 petals and one of the petals are larger than others. Stamens and a pistil are not visible. There are no inflorescences and a flower directly blooms at the tip of each foliage.

Tillandsia minutiflora

April 18th, 2004

The flower of the foliage sold as Tillandsia pedicellata. As the flowers are yellow, this is Tillandsia minutiflora. The blooming period is approximately a month from April to June. Yellow flowers with 3 petals. 6 stamens and a white pistil are not visible. A flower blooms for 10 days. Only a flower bloom at the growing point of each foliage. Flowers in the same clump bloom at the same time.

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