Subarctic climate
Index plants
Yezo spruces (Picea jezoensis), Sakhalin firs (Abies sachalinensis), Maries' firs (Abies mariesii), Northern Japanese hemlocks (Tsuga diversifolia)
Averate temperature
The lowest temperature in the coldest month is less than -3 °C (27 °F), and more than 10 °C (50 °F) in average for 1 - 3 months.
North/South altitude
50 - 70 ° latitude
Winter is cold and long, whereas summer is cool and short.

Distribution of subarctic climate in modern Japan. It distributes at montane zones of northern Honshu island, and eastern Hokkaido.
Climate (Lateral)
- Tropical
- Subtropical
- Warm-temperate
- Intermediate-temperate
- Cool-temperate
- Boundary between cool-temperate and subarctic
- Subarctic
- Polar