Hirukawa, Nakatsugawa city, Gifu pref., Japan

Field of view: 5 mm. Parasymplesite associated with löllingite. The radial groups of acicular pale blue crystals with a vitreous luster are parasymplesite. The massive silver-white part with a metallic luster is löllingite. The massive transparent white basement is gangue quartz.
Recovered from an open space of a quartz in a meteoric oxidation zone of a pneumatolytic deposit formed near the boundary between welded tuff and S-type (Ilmenite-series) granite, members of a caldera complex.
Parasymplesite from this location was described in 1992.
Other localities
- Ichiyanagi Mine (Pneumatolytic, Acicular)
- Mount Gyoja (Pneumatolytic, Radial)
- Kiura Mine (Skarn, Tabular)