Yoshikawa, Shinshiro city, Aichi pref., Japan

Field of view: 20 mm. Crystals of hydromagnesite. The pointed platy white crystals are hydromagnesite. The fine white grains underlying hydromagnesite are not specified. The yellowish-green basement at the upper right is serpentinite.
Recovered from an open space in a meteoric oxidation zone of serpentinite in an accretionary compelx subjected to Pumpellyite-Actinolite facies metamorphism.
Hydromagnesite from this location was described in 1973.
Other localities
- Yoshikawa Mine (Serpentinite, Platy)
- Yashio Mine (Serpentinite, Radial)
- Onara (Serpentinite, Botryoidal)