Sakai, Fujimi city, Suwa county, Nagano pref., Japan
IMA approved name
Ferrohornblende or Magnesiohornblende

Front crystal: 5 mm in diameter. Dispatched crystals of hornblende. The black prisms of hornblende are covered with opacite rim, the brown crusts on the surface.
Recovered from weathered andesite of a debris flow deposit. Formed in the Middle Pleistocene (0.5 Ma).
Local people have called dispatched hornblende as "Roppo-ishi", hexagonal stone in Japanese, for more than 100 years. Hornblende from this location was described in 1923.
Other localities
- Ikenofukuro (Andesite, Dispatched)
- Kami-Sano (Andesite, Phenocryst)
- Nakatatsu Mine (Andesite, Radial)