Rendaiji, Shimoda city, Shizuoka pref., Japan
This locality is closed to collecting.

Field of view: 3 mm. Covellite associated with chalcopyrite. The dark blue crust is covellite. The massive yellow parts underlying the covellite crust are chalcopyrite. The rainbow-color part at the left is oxidized surface of chalcopyrite. The translucent white parts are gangue quartz. The brown parts at the bottom is limonite crust.
Recovered from an open space of a quartz vein in a meteoric oxidation zone of a moderate-temperature hydrothermal deposit associated with andesitic-basaltic pyroclastic rocks of an oceanic arc subjected to propylitization alteration.
Covellite from this location was described in 1961.
Other localities
- Nakatatsu Mine (Hydrothermal Skarn, Film)
- Mikawa Mine (Hydrothermal, Massive)
- Kawazu Mine (Hydrothermal, Crust)