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Pyrargyrite (Photo)
Year of discovery: 1831 (World), 1889 (Japan)
Locality list: 113 localities of pyrargyrite
- Ag3SbS3
- [Ag+3][Sb3+][S3]6-
- Color: Dark red, Grayish red
- Tarnish: Black (by light exposure)
- Streak: Purplish red
- Luster: Adamantine
- Diaphaneity: Translucent
- Habit: Prismatic parallel to (0001) showing hemimorphism, Rhombohedra, Scalenohedra with {0551}
- Twin: {1014}, {1011}, {11-20}, {0112}
- Cleavage: Distinct on {1011} (3 planes), Imperfect on {0112} (3 planes)
- Hardness: 2.5
- Density: 5.8
- System: Trigonal
- Group: 3m, R3c
- Lattice: a=11.0, c=8.7
Etymology: Pyr (Fire) and -argent (silver) in Greek