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Epsomite (Photo)
Year of discovery: 1806 (Epsom, UK), 1896 (Japan)
Locality list: 31 localities of epsomite
- MgSO4,7H2O
- [Mg(H2O)6]2+[SO4]2-,H2O
- Polymorph: Alpersite (Monoclinic)
- 7H2O => H2O: Kieserite
- 7H2O => 2H2O: Sanderite
- 7H2O => 4H2O: Starkeyite, Cranswickite
- 7H2O => 5H2O: Pentahydrite
- 7H2O => 6H2O: Hexahydrite
- Color: White, Colorless
- Streak: White
- Luster: Silky
- Diaphaneity: Transparent-Translucent
- Cleavage: Perfect on {010} (1 plane), Distinct on {101} (2 planes)
- Hardness: 2-2.5
- Density: 1.7
- System: Orthorhombic
- Group: 222, P212121
- Lattice: a=11.9, b=12.0, c=6.9