Vriesea fenestralis
- Flowers -
- [ Cultivation data ]
- [ Flowers ]
- [ Inflorescences ]
- [ Blooming foliages ]
- [ Green foliages ]
- [ Leaves ]
- [ Root ]
- [ Pups ]
July 7th, 2022
It flowered in July - August. The petal was pale yellow CMYK=(0, 0, 20, 0), and the bract was yellowish green CMYK=(20, 0, 100, 10) with reddish brown spots CMYK=(0, 100, 100, 60). Tips of 3 petals of the short tube flowers were pointed. A flower opens at 6 - 9 p.m. and closes at 5 - 8 a.m. of the next morning. The flower emits a fregrance of ripe fruits to induce nocturnal insects. 8 flowers bloomed from the bottom side of the flower spike at intervals of 0 - 1 day. The tube flower was L 60 mm and D 30 mm. 6 stamens and a white pistil are almost same length as the petals. The tip of pistil is divided into three.
July 7th, 2022
The flower from the front side.