Florida, USA
0 - 200 elevation
Tillandsia simulata
Tillandsia simulata Small (1933)
- [ Etymology ] simulatus in Latin (fake)
- Grass-like rosette composed of relatively flat leaves.
- It resembles Tillandsia bartramii. Leaves of Tillandsia bartramii are numorous, narrower and straight. On the other hands, leaves of Tillandsia simulata are fewer, wider and recurved. Tillandsia bartramii distributes mainly in northern part of Florida, USA, whereas Tillandsia simulata in southern part of Florida.
- [ Width ] 20 mm
- [ Height ] 20 cm
- [ Petal ] Violet
- [ Bract ] Red CMYK=(40,90,60,0)
- [ Flower ] March - April
- [ Flower ] for 41 days
- [ Genus ] Tillandsia
- [ Species ] simulata
- [ Synonyms ]
- Florida airplant
- Manatee River airplant
Informations summarized here are based on our experiences, and TrekGEO does not guarantee the results by cultivating in the same or similar conditions described here. Even a species of Tillandsia differs substantially between individuals, and is very sensitive in changes of environments. Applicatons of any idea inspired by this site should be at your own risks.
1st Plant
- Cultivation condition
- Partial sun, Dipping, Shelving, AC / Heater
- Dec. 2024 An inflorescence began to grow.
- Oct. 2024 A root began to grow from the bottom of the offset.
- Oct. 2023 Capsules opened and seeds were scattered.
- Jul. 2023 An offset began to grow at the bottom of the rosette.
- May 2023 Capsules began to grow.
- Mar. 2023 It flowered.
- Dec. 2022 An inflorescence began to grow.
- May 2022 Many roots began to grow.
- Aug. 2021 Roots began to grow.
- Feb. 2021 Good condition.