TrekGEO > Tillandsia Garden > Tillandsia loliacea > Flowers

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Tillandsia loliacea

- Flowers -


Tillandsia loliacea

April 25th, 2007

It flowered in January - June. The flower was yellow C0 M0 Y80 K0, the sepal was green C50 M30 Y100 K10, and the bract was grayish green C40 M20 Y50 K0. The flower was L 4 - 5 mm, and D 3 mm. The petal was W 1 mm. 6 stamens and a pistil were not visible. A flower bloomed for 4 - 11 days, typically 10 days. Approximately 1 - 10 flowers bloomed from the bottom side of the inflorescence at intervals of 3 - 11 days. The interval tends to be longer at the late stage of the flowering period. Flowers open in the daytime, and close at night.

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