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Takedao Formation (Yoshida, 1975) Matsuura et al., 1995
Invalid synonym: Takedao Welded Tuff, Bosangawa Clastic Rocks, Bosangawa Formation, Bosangawa Tuffaceous Mudstone, Sokawa Clastic Rocks, Sokawa Formation, Sokawa Tuffaceous Mudstone
- Sedimentary facies: Lacustrine
- Lithofacies: Rhyolite welded tuff
- Lithofacies (Minor): Tuffaceous mudstone, Sandstone, Conglomerate, Volcaniclastic breccia
- Lithofacies (Basal): Breccia
- Sedimentary structures (Minor): Parallel stratification, Slump structure
- Thickness: ca. 200 - 460s m
- Distribution (East - West): ca. 8 km
- Distribution (South - North): 1 - 2 km
- Lower limit: Conformity (Takedao Formation)
- Lower limit: UNconformity (Minoo Complex)
------ Conformity, ~~~~~~ Unconformity, ~~~--- Local unconformity, '''/,, Interfingered, :::::: Fault, /--/-- Thrust, +__+__ Ground surface, ?--?-- Unknown
- Distribution: Bosangawa river - Takedao - Yamamoto, Takarazuka city, Hyogo pref.; Shiota, Sanda city, Hyogo pref.; Dojo town, Kobe city, Hyogo pref.
- Fossils: Picea? sp. (Cones), Bivalves
- Matsuura et al. (1995) Geology of the Hirone District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 110p. (in Japanese with English abstract 6p.)
- Kurimoto et al. (1993) Geology of the Sasayama District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 93p. (in Japanese with English abstract 5p.)
- Ozaki and Matsuura (1988) Geology of the Sanda District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 93p. (in Japanese with English abstract 5p.)
- Huzita and Kasama (1982) Geology of the Osaka-Seihokubu District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 112p. (in Japanese with English abstract 8p.)