Yatsuhashi, Shitara city, Kita-Shitara county, Aichi pref., Japan
This locality is strictly closed to collecting.

Field of view: 40 mm. Tephroite associated with rhodonite. The massive grayish-green parts are aggregate of fine tephroite crystals. The red veins are rhodonite. Note that cleavage of rhodonite is vertical to the vein.
Recovered from the bedded manganese deposit in pelitic schist subjected to Amphibolite facies regional metamorphism and contact metamorphism by granodiorite.
Tephroite from this location was described in 1950.
Other localities
- Mogurazawa Mine (Mn skarn)
- Kanoiri Mine (Mn skarn)
- Taguchi Mine (Bedded Mn, AM facies)