Nogami-Shimogo, Nagatoro city, Chichibu county, Saitama pref., Japan

Field of view: 30 mm. Talc associated with dolomite. The columnar group of white fibers at the left is talc. The grayish-white part exhibiting perfect cleavage at the right is dolomite.
Recovered from serpentinite in an accretionary complex subjected to Greenschist facies high-pressure metamorphic rock.
Combination of dolomite and talc is explained by the CO2 fluid in fissures of serpentinite:
2Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 (Serpentine) + 3CO2 = Mg3Si4O10(OH)2 (Talc) + 3MgCO3 (Magnesite component in Dolomite) + 3H2O
Talc from this location was described in 1913.
Other localities
- Miyazawa (Serpentinite, Fibrous)
- Kurotani Valley (Serpentinite, Massive)
- Ninomiya (Serpentinite, Massive)