Ashio village, Nikko city, Tochigi pref., Japan

Field of view: 30 mm. Pyrosmalite-(Mn) associated with rhodonite. The group of tabular pink crystals with a pearly luster are pyrosmalite-(Mn) exhibiting cleavage in a direction. The fine yellowish-brown parts at the bottom is rhodonite. The black crusts on the surface of the sample are manganese dioxide formed by weathering.
Recovered from a chert-hosted bedded manganese deposit subjected to Albite-Epidote-hornfels facies contact metamorphism. Formed in the early Paleocene (64 Ma).
This pyrosmalite-(Mn) can be interpreted as a reaction product of rhodonite with H2O or Cl fluid.
The first pyrosmalite-(Mn) from Japan was reported from this location in 1961.
Other localities
- Kyurazawa Mine (Bedded Mn, Tabular)
- Takanosu Mine (Bedded Mn, Vein)