Rendaiji, Shimoda city, Shizuoka pref., Japan
This locality is closed to collecting.

Field of view: 50 mm. An inesite vein. The pink fibers with a vitreous luster are inesite. Fibers are vertical to the vein. The massive pale pink parts around inesite are rhodochrosite. The black crusts at the upper right and at the lower right are manganese dioxide, probably pyrolusite, formed by weathering.
Recovered from an inesite vein in a moderate-temperature hydrothermal deposit associated with andesitic-basaltic pyroclastic rocks of an oceanic arc subjected to propylitization alteration. Formed in the Early Pleistocene (1.5 Ma).
The first inesite from Japan was reported from this location in 1930.
Other localities
- Kawazu Mine (Hydrothermal, Fibrous)
- Yugashima Mine (Hydrothermal, Fibrous)