Natsume, Oya city, Yabu county, Hyogo pref., Japan

Field of view: 50 mm. Arsenopyrite associated with dolomite. The massive silver-white part with a metallic luster at the right half is arsenopyrite. The white part with a vitreous luster at the left is dolomite with perfect cleavage. The massive dark green part is the host serpentinite.
Recovered from serpentinite of a Fe-Ni deposit in serpentinitized harzburgite, a part of an ophiolite.
Arsenopyrite from this location was described in 1909.
Other localities
- Chichibu Mine (Hydrothermal Skarn, Prismatic)
- Awashiro Mine (Sericitization, Floater)
- Natsume Mine (Serpentinite, Massive)