Producing Platinum (Pt)
Pt: Platinum
This element is known from ancient ages.
Abundance: 0.01ppm(in the earth's crust)
TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Producing elements from minerals > Platinum
Pt: Platinum
This element is known from ancient ages.
Abundance: 0.01ppm(in the earth's crust)
Pt is included in platinum placer, nickel sulfide and copper sulfide (chalcopyrite).
Pt is recovered from electric smelting residue of copper.
Pt is recovered from residue of palladium refinement.
Dissolve in aqua regia.
3Pt + 4NO3(-) + 18Cl(-) + 22H(+) 2H2PtCL6 + 4NO + 8H2O
By adding sodium hydroxide, only Pt remains in solution and other chemical components deposit.
2Na(+) + PtCl6(2-)
Add ammonium chloride.
PtCl6(2-) + 2NH4(+) (NH4)2PtCl6
Refine by re-crystallization of yellow deposit.
Heat it.
(NH4)2PtCl6 Pt + NH3Cl
+ H2