Kasuga Mine
Kasuga-Mitsuka, Ibigawa city, Ibi county, Gifu pref., Japan
Dolomite skarn deposit formed in the Permian Guadalupian (270 Ma) dolomite-limestone block of the Early Jurassic (180 Ma) Funafuseyama Unit of the Tamba-Mino-Asho accretionary complex. The dolomite-limestone block has been subjected to contact metamorphism by the Late Cretaceous (96 Ma) Kaizukiyama Granite. The Kaizukiyama Granite is S-type (Ilmenite-series). Approximately 1 km apart from the Kaizukiyama Granite, the heat source. Ages of sedimentary rocks were determined by radiolarians, and granite by K-Ar radiometric dating of biotite and by Rb-Sr whole rock isochron age.

Outcrop of dolomite skarn in the Funafuseyama Unit. The white host is marble, and black nodules are aggregates of Mg-rich minerals such as phlogopite, spinel, and clinohumite. Nodules have higher weathering resistibity than the host, and protruded as shown in this photograph.
Reported Minerals
- Chalcopyrite
- Pyrite
- Pyrrhotite
- Sphalerite
- Molybdenite
- Calcite
- Dolomite
- Geikielite
- Rutile
- Spinel
- Titanite(Sphene)
- Forsterite
- Clinohumite
- Apatite
- Almandine
- Grossular
- Allanite
- Clinozoisite
- Dravite
- Cordierite
- Andalusite
- Scapolite
- Diopside
- Rhodonite
- Apophyllite
- Bustamite
- Sepiolite
- Palygorskite
- Pargasite
- Tremolite
- Actinolite
- Hastingsite
- Magnesiosadanagaite
- Wollastonite
- Parawollastonite
- Phlogopite
- Aspidolite
- Serpentine
- Talc
- Stilbite
- Laumontite
Mineral Assemblages
- Dolomite - Phlogopite - Clinohumite - Spinel - Geikielite - Rutile
- Hornfels(Host) - Hastingsite
- Dolomite - Forsterite
- Calcite - Diopside - Wollastonite - Grossular
- Kasuga Mine (Dolomite skarn)
- Hotokezaki (Dolomite skarn)
- Ishibaiyama (Dolomite skarn)
- Mount Hiiragi (Dolomite skarn)
Related Occurrences
- Skarn (I-type, Magnetite-series)
- Skarn (S-type, Ilmenite-series)
- Skarn (Sanidinite facies)
- Dolomite Skarn