Mount Bandake
Ikitsuki village, Hirado city, Nagasaki pref., Japan
Low-temperature zeolite facies metamorphic rocks
Hydrated minerals in vesicules of the middle Miocene (15 Ma) tholeiitic basalt erupted by the sea floor volcanic activity at the spreading axis of the South China Sea.

Outcrop of a pillow lava composed of tholeiitic basalt. The right side is the pillow margin, and the left side is the center of it. Vesicules of the pillow is filled with white zeolite. The white parts in this photograph is phyllipsite-Ca. Grayish green host around the pillow is tuff breccia.
Reported Minerals
- Lévyne(Levyne)
- Phyllipsite-Ca
- Cowlesite
- Erionite
- Chabazite
- Quartz
- Chalcedony
Mineral Assemblages
- Lévyne(Levyne) - Erionite
- Phyllipsite-Ca - Chabazite - Cowlesite
- Miyanohira (Chabazite)
- Mount Bandake (Lévyne)
- Mount Hokiya (Dachiardite)
Related Occurrences
- Albite-Epidote-hornfels facies
- Hornblende-hornfels facies
- Pyroxene-hornfels facies
- Sanidinite-hornfels facies