TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Tokai region > Shizuoka pref. > Shobusawa

Japanese page


Hama, Kawazu city, Kamo county, Shizuoka pref., Japan


Hydrothermal Au-Ag deposit

Low temperature hydrothermal Au-Ag depsit in andesitic to basaltic tuff breccia of the upper part of the early Pliocene (4.0 Ma) Shirahama Group. Andesite and basalt of the upper Shirahama Group are tholeiitic, and have been subjected to propylitization alteration. The Shirahama Group unconformably overlies the Miocene Yugashima Group. Ages of sediments were determined by microfossils and K-Ar radiometric dating.

Reported Minerals

Mineral Assemblages

  • Quartz(Gangue) - Gold
  • Quartz - Pyrite
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