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Japanese wavellite localities

11 localities

A list of Japanese wavellite localities described in citable papers and books. The list is edited based on the editing policy of location lists.

Year of description
Location (Prefecture, Synonym, Comments)
Year 1930
Ashio mine (Tochigi, as Fischerite)
Year 1930
Omouchi (Miyazaki, Iwato, as Fischerite)
Year 1975
Konomai mine (Hokkaido)
Year 1981
Kawazu mine (Shizuoka, Rendaiji)
Year 1985
Toyoha mine (Hokkaido), Toyoda (Kochi)
Year 1989
Mount Hanaoka (Gifu, Akasaka)
Year 1994
Fubasami mine (Tochigi, Onuki mine, Inokura)
Year 2004
Hariki (Kochi), Kanda (Kochi)
Year 2014
Hirui (Gifu, Hirui)