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Editing policy of location lists

Aimed at collecting all possible locations of specimens. Locations are counted based on the guidelines as follows, although there might be other policies. Please contact us finding any counting losses and double counts.

Referred materials are published papers and reports in scientific journals, magazines together with books.
Reports of amateur associations are not referred.
Locations where described minerals are bigger than those recognized at least by hand magnifiers.
Phenocrysts in volcanic rocks are oounded, whereas minerals in the groundmass are not. Exceptions are very rare minerals such as aenigmatites and nephelines in the groundmass.
Metamorphic minerals in metamorphic rocks are counted even if those sizes are microscopic scale.
Locality name
Locations where adresses can be followed by clear descriptions specifying local names of outcrops, mines, mountains, rivers, creeks, and so on.
As metamorphic and metasomatic minerals are usually produced over wide regions, region names were used as locality names.
Descriptions from individual deposits of large mines are counted. As consequences, locations may be double counted in some mines.
Synonyms of renamed and/or merged mines are commented as well as synonyms are known.
In case locality names are local adresses, prefectural names and region names are also commented as well as they are known.
Described year
The first year of descriptions are counted.
In cases the description was denied and/or re-decribed as another mineral species, those facts are commented.