[ Top ] [ Japanese ]
Year of discovery: 1936 (Japan as the first occurence in the World)
Locality list: 3 localities of teineite
- CuTeO3,2H2O
- [Cu2+][TeO3]2-,2H2O
- Color: Blue
- Streak: Pale blue
- Luster: Vitreous
- Diaphaneity: Translucent
- Habit: Prismatic, Thin platy
- Cleavage: Good on {010} (1 plane), Poor on {001} and {100} (2 planes)
- Hardness: 2.5
- Density: 3.8
- System: Orthorhombic
- Group: mmm, P222
- Lattice: a=6.6, b=9.6, c=7.4
Etymology: Teine mine in Hokkaido, Japan, where this mineral was discovered for the first time.