Vriesea x poelmannii Red type
- Blooming foliages -
- Cultivation data
- Flowers
- Inflorescencs
- Blooming foliages ]
- Capsule
- Seed
- Seedling

June 10th, 2023
The 2nd flowering of the plant cultivated for 4 years since 2019 after an interval of 4 years. 3 foliages of the clump flowered. The flowering period of the 1st foliage was 44 days from June 4th to July 17th, 2023, and 24 flowers bloomed. 9 flowers bloomed on the main spike, 5, 4, 6 flowers bloomed on the 3 side spikes from the bottom side of the inflorescence That of the 2nd foliage was 39 days from June 2nd to July 10th, 2023, and 10 flowers bloomed. That of the 3rd foliage was 29 days from June 12th to July 10th, 2023, and 6 flowers bloomed.

July 25th, 2020
The 1st flowering of the plant cultivated for 2 years since 2019. 2 foliages of the clump flowered. The flowering period of a foliage was 34 days from July 25th to August 27th, 2020, and 7 flowers bloomed. That of another foliage was 8 days from August 1st to 8th, 2020, and 4 flowers bloomed.