About this site
Record of updates in 2005
Record of updates
- DEC 25, 2005
- Albite and Alabandite data are translated.
- Photograph of T. Abdita is translated.
- DEC 18, 2005
- Photograph of wild T. Usneoides is up!
- Aragonite from Shiraki, Mie pref. is available.
- DEC 12, 2005
- T. Balbisiana has bloomed!
- Tillandsia Garden has been translated!
- Knit Out 2004 report has been translated!
- Hand craft diary in summer 2005 has been translated!
- Travel to find knit England + Ireland is under translation.
- Nari's adventure page is translated!
- NOV 20, 2005
- Higashizawa Mine, Iwaisawa Mine, Kawazura Mine, Kiyokawa Mine, Kurokawa Mine, Kusama Mine, Kyurazawa Mine, Ouashi Mine, Oukura Mine, Oumiya Mine, Tahi(Shizuoka) data has translated!
- About this site and Link pages is now available!
- NOV 12, 2005
- Mogurazawa Mine data up!
- Start to translate Tillandsia Garden, tillandsia cultivation diary!
- Data of T. Bulbosa Caulescent type has translated.
- Vuagnatite of Shiraki, Mie Pref. is available!
- Agardite-(Y), Agate has been translated.
- NOV 6, 2005
- Pyrochroite, Pyroxmangite, Neotocite of Taguchi Mine up!
- Localities closed to collectors up!
- OCT 30, 2005
- Pyrrhotite of Taguchi Mine up!
- Allanite data has been translated!
- OCT 23, 2005
- Knit Out 2005 short report up!
- Pyrophanite of Taguchi Mine up!
- Gozaisyo Mine, Hagidaira Mine data up!
- List of Japanese mine and List of mineral localities besides mines up
- OCT 16, 2005
- Travel report Travel to see a friend! is started to up!
- Agano Mine, Okutama Mine, Taguchi Mine data up!
- OCT 9, 2005
- Alphabetical list of minerals is available.
- Hausmannite of Taguchi Mine is up!
- Jacobsite of Kurokawa Mine is up!
- Adamite and Adularia have translated.
- OCT 2, 2005
- Knit festival '05 report is up!
- Rhodochrosite of Taguchi Mine is up!
- SEP 25, 2005
- Prologue of Travel to see a friend! up!
- T. Lotteae has bloomed!
- Sample list of each Japanese locality was up: Kanto/Koushinetsu
- SEP 11, 2005
- Short story Knit ties completed!
- Two trial ties are up!
- Phlogopite and Yoshimuraite of Taguchi Mine is up!
- Sample list of each Jpananese locality was up: Hokkaido/Touhoku/Tokai/Kinki/Cyugoku/Shikoku/Kyusyu
- SEP 4, 2005
- Short story Knit ties up!
- Schorl of Taguchi Mine is up!
- AUG 27, 2005
- Spessartine of Taguchi Mine is up!
- I love knit new story [Korean kilt] up!
- Diary new story [Knit cap in summer] up!
- I love knit English translation has completed.
- I love knit new story [Heat up cool socks] up!
- JUL 31, 2005
- Why I started knitting? translation was completed.
- Diary, Don Quixote up!
- JUL 17, 2005
- Why I started knitting? has been tanslated, but not completed.
- Nari's craftroom and NariNari mine page are available.
- English translation project has started. What is original?
- JUL 1, 2002
- Starts to build this site!