Tillandsia zecheri
- Green foliages -
- [ Cultivation data ]
- [ Flower ]
- [ Inflorescence ]
- [ Blooming foliages ]
- [ Green foliages ]
- [ Roots ]
June 12th, 2021
The plant cultivated since 2021.
June 12th, 2021
Left: Tillandsia zecheri var. cafayatensis, Right: Tillandsia zecheri va. zecheri. Leaves of Tillandsia zecheri va. zecheri are covered with thick trichomes and it looks white. On the other hands, leaves of Tillandsia zecheri var. cafayatensis are dark green and recurved in a direction.
June 5th, 2004
The foliage had been cultivated from 2004 to 2009.