Tillandsia juncea forma juncifolia
- Seedlings (2020) -
- [ Cultivation data ]
- [ Flowers ]
- [ Inflorescences ]
- [ Blooming foliages ]
- [ Blushing ]
- [ Green foliages ]
- [ Roots ]
- [ Pups ]
- [ Seed pods ]
- [ Seeds ]
- [ Seedlings (2020) ]
- [ Seedlings (2022) ]
- [ Seedlings (2024) ]

October 3rd, 2020
4 months later. Seeds turned green and the 1st leaf began to grow. And all foliages died.

September 1st, 2020
3 months later. Seeds are bulged and turn greenish.

May 30th, 2020
Seeds of Tillandsia juncea forma juncifolia. The length of seeds is 10 - 15 mm. 3 capsules were produced from 8 flowers bloomed in 2019. 3 capsules were produced from 8 flowers bloomed in 2019. 3 capsules contained 115, 134, and 179 seeds, total 428 seeds.