Tillandsia ionantha 'Albino'
- Blooming foliages -
- [ Cultivation data ]
- [ Flowers ]
- [ Blooming foliages ]
- [ Blushing ]
- [ Green foliages ]
- [ Roots ]
- [ Pups ]

May 27th, 2024
The 2nd flowering of the plant cultivated for 5 years from 2019 at an interval of 5 years. The flowering period was 10 days from May 27th to June 5th, 2024, and 4 flowers bloomed. The plant was composed of 82 leaves. The size was W 65 - 90 mm, H 105 mm, and H 125 mm including the flower.

March 21st, 2019
The 1st flowering of the plant cultivated from 2019. The flowering period was 13 days from March 17th to 30th, 2019, and 4 flowers bloomed.