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Shiga Green Volcanic Rocks Akahane, 1980
- Type locality: Hoppo hot spring, Yamanouchi city, Shimotakai county, Nagano prefecture
- Volcanic rocks
- Miocene
- Correlation: Uchimura Formation, Suzaka Andesites
- Intruded in: Diorite porphyry, Quartz diorite
- Sedimentary facies: under water
- Lithofacies: Tuff, Tuff breccia
- Lithofacies (Minor): Lava, Tuffaceous mudstone, Sandstone
- Sedimentary structures: Parallel stratification
- Distribution: Hoppo hot spring - Yokoyu river - Zako river - Hasuike pond, Otomi creek - Mount Gorin - Annandai - Makuiwa - Kitaokuma - Okuyamada - Takai, Yamanouchi city, Shimotakai county, Nagano pref.
- Akahane et al. (1992) Geology of the Nakano District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 106p. (in Japanese with English abstract 4p.)