[ Top ] [ Japanese ]
Sanbagawa Metamorphic Rocks
Synonym: Sanbagawa Belt, Sanbagawa Metamorphic Complex, Sanbagawa Crystalline Schists
Aoki 2019 divided to three units: Oboke Unit, Asemigawa Unit, Besshi Unit by the ages of protolith.
- Type locality: Sanbagawa, Onishi, Fujioka city, Gunma prefecture
- High P/T metamorphic rocks (Chlorite zone): 0.4 - 0.6 GPa, 240 - 300 degree C
- High P/T metamorphic rocks (Oligoclase-Biotite zone): 0.9 - 1.1 GPa, 585 - 635 degree C
- Protolith: Shimanto Belt
- Deposition: Early - Late Cretaceous (140 - 80 Ma, U-Pb; 100 Ma or later, FT)
- Accretion: Early Cretaceous - Paleogene (120 - 60 Ma, U-Pb)
- Metamorphism (Peak, Oligoclase-Biotite zone): Late Cretaceous (85.6 Ma, U-Pb)
- Metamorphism (Greenschist facies, Retrogressive): Late Cretaceous - Paleocene (82.0 - 58.0 Ma, K-Ar)
- Correlation: Yoshimi Metamorphic Rocks?
- Intruded by: Kifune Granodiorite
- Sedimentary facies: Trench-fill deposits, Hemi-pelagic sediments
- Metamorphic facies: Pumpellyite-Actinolite, Glaucophane, Epidote-Amphibolite, Eclogite
- Lithofacies (Protolith): Mudstone, Basalt volcanic sands, Reworked hyaloclastite, Lava, Dolerite, Chert
- Lithofacies: Pelitic schist, Green schist, Siliceous schist
- Lithofacies (Minor): Psammitic schist, Calcareous schist, Serpentinite
- Thickness: ca. 2,000 - 3,000 m
- Distribution (Length): ca. 800 km
- Distribution (Width): ca. 1 - 20 km
- Upper limit: Todai Tectonic Line (Nagano), Aridagawa Tectonic Line (Wakayama) (Chichibu Belt)
- Toba, Mie pref.
- [ Upper ]
- /--/--/--/--/-
- Miyagawa Complex
- /--/--/--/--/-
- [ Lower ]
- Yoshinoyama, Nara pref.
- [ North ]
- /--/--/--/--/-
- Kamiichi zone
- /--/--/--/--/-
- [ South ]
- Metamorphic zoning
- [ Upper ]
- /--/--/--/--/-
- Oligoclase-Biotite zone
- /--/--/--/--/-
- Albite-Biotite zone
- /--/--/--/--/-
- Garnet zone
- /--/--/--/--/-
- Chlorite zone
- /--/--/--/--/-
- [ Lower ]
------ Conformity, ~~~~~~ Unconformity, ~~~--- Local unconformity, '''/,, Interfingered, :::::: Fault, /--/-- Thrust, +__+__ Ground surface, ?--?-- Unknown
- Distribution: Gunma - Saitama - Nagano - Tokai region - Kii peninsula - Shikoku - Saganoseki peninsula, Kyushu
- Distribution (Chlorite zone): Kiraidani river - Kitadani river - Jintsudani river, Kamiyama city, Myozai county, Tokushima pref.; Mima city, Tokushima pref.
- Nakata et al. (2019) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.125, no.6, pp.447-452 DOI
- Aoki et al. (2019) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.125, no.2, pp.183-194 DOI
- Uchino et al. (2017) Geology of the Toba District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 141p. (in Japanese with English abstract 5p.)
- Aoya et al. (2017) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.123, no.7, pp.491-514 DOI
- Ikeda et al. (2017) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.123, no.7, pp.445-470 DOI
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- Nakashima et al. (2010) Geology of the Iragomisaki District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 69p. (in Japanese with English abstract 3p.)
- Otoh et al. (2010) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.119, No.2, pp.333-346 DOI
- Tomiyoshi and Takasu, (2009) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.115, no.10, pp.540-543 DOI
- Arai et al. (2009) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.115, no.5, pp.223-241 DOI
- Sakurai and Takasu (2009) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.115, no.3, pp.101-121 DOI
- Okamoto et al. (2009) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.115, Supplement, pp.37-49 DOI
- Nakashima et al. (2008) Geology of the Toyohashi and Tahara District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 113p. (in Japanese with English abstract 3p.)
- Miyazaki et al. (2008) Geology of the Goyu District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 97p. (in Japanese with English abstract 3p.)
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- Kiminami and Toda (2007) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.113, no.4, pp.158-167 DOI
- Makimoto et al. (2004) Geology of the Kokawa District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 89p. (in Japanese with English abstract 4p.)
- Makimoto et al. (1996) Geology of the Takato District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 114p. (in Japanese with English abstract 6p.)
- Miyata et al. (1993) Geology of the Wakayama and Ozaki District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 68p. (in Japanese with English abstract 4p.)
- Makimoto and Takeuchi (1992) Geology of the Yorii District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 136p. (in Japanese with English abstract 6p.)
- Kawachi et al. (1983) Geology of the Ichinose District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 70p. (in Japanese with English abstract 6p.)
- Okubo and Horiguchi (1969) Geology of the Mamba District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 65p. (in Japanese with English abstract 5p.)
- Hirayama and Kambe (1959) Koyasan, Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Japan, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 41p. (in Japanese with English abstract 7p.)
- Hirayama and Kishimoto (1957) Yoshinoyama, Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Japan, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 44p. (in Japanese with English abstract 8p.)
- Hirayama and Tanaka (1956) Todorogi, Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Japan, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 37p. (in Japanese with English abstract 11p.)
- Hirayama and Tanaka (1956) Kainan, Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Japan, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 62p. (in Japanese with English abstract 12p.)
- Saito (1955) Mikawa-Ono, Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Japan, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 36p. (in Japanese with English abstract 11p.)
- Saito and Isomi (1954) Akihasan, Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Japan, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 34p. (in Japanese with English abstract 10p.)
- Sawamura and Owa (1953) Suwa, Explanatory Text of the Geological Map of Japan, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 45p. (in Japanese with English abstract 4p.)