[ Top ] [ Japanese ]
Bandodani Formation Yamasaki, 1986
- Type locality: Shimada-jima island, Seto village, Naruto city, Tokushima prefecture
- Coherent formation
- Izumi sedimentary basin
- Forearc basin associated with strike-slip fault related to Median Tectonic Line
- Late Cretaceous Campanian
- Contemporaneous heterotopic facies (partly): Seidan Formation, Anaga Formation
- Sedimentary facies: Frontal splay of the submarine fan
- Sedimentary facies: Submarine debris flow, Channel, Distributary channel, Inter-channel
- Lithofacies (Main): Sandstone-dominant interbedded sandstone and mudstone
- Lithofacies (Minor): Gravel-bearing sandstone, Conglomerate, Gravel-bearing mudstone
- Thickness: 6,000 m or thicker
- Upper limit: Conformity and partly contemporaneous heterotopic facies (Seidan Formation, Anaga Formation)
- Lower limit: Conformity
- Main facies (Asan mountains, Kagawa pref.)
- [ Upper ]
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- Anaga Formation
- '''''''/,,,,,,
- Bandodani Formation
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- Upper Higaidani Formation / Osaka Formation
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- Upper Higaidani Formation / Oyamahata Formation
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- Upper Higaidani Formation / Miyagatani Formation
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- Upper Higaidani Formation / Izumitani Formation
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- Upper Higaidani Formation / Kawamata Formation
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- Upper Higaidani Formation / Gosho Formation
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- Lower Higaidani Formation
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- Horita Formation
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- Takikubo Formation
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- [ Lower ]
------ Conformity, ~~~~~~ Unconformity, ~~~--- Local unconformity, '''/,, Interfingered, :::::: Fault, /--/-- Thrust, +__+__ Ground surface, ?--?-- Unknown
- Distribution: Omoizaki - Koshimada - Senokatanohana - Koike - Shimamukai - Tanoura - Musa - Awai, Shimada-jima island, Seto village, Naruto city, Tokushima pref.; Takashima island - Ogejima island, Tokushima pref.; Bandodani river, Oasa village, Naruto city, Tokushima pref.
- Fossils (Ammonoids): Pravitoceras sigmoidale, Didymoceras awajiense
- Fossils (Trace fossils): Archaeozostera isp., Ophiomorpha rudis, Zoophycos isp.
- Kikuchi and Kotake (2013) Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol.119, no.9, pp.613-629 DOI