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Kasumi Formation (Hatori and Juen, 1958) Baba et al., 2005
Invalid synonym: Masuko Formation, Takatsuki Formation, Takiyama Formation, Hyodomeyama Formation, Narahara Formation
- Sedimentary facies: Fluvial
- Sedimentary facies: Main stream
- Paleo-river system: Tamagawa river, Akikawa river
- Lithofacies: Gravels
- Lithofacies (Minor): Sands, Silt
- Sedimentary structures: Channel structure, Imbricate structure
- Paleocurrent: to East
------ Conformity, ~~~~~~ Unconformity, ~~~--- Local unconformity, '''/,, Interfingered, :::::: Fault, /--/-- Thrust, +__+__ Ground surface, ?--?-- Unknown
- Distribution: Hikita - Ajiro - Yamada, Akiruno city, Tokyo; Takatsuki town - Ishikawa town - Kamikawa town - Nishiterakata town - Kamiichibukata town - Kiyokawa town - Motohongo town - Akatsuki town, Hachioji city, Tokyo; Haijima town, Akishima city, Tokyo
- Fossils (Akishima fauna): Canis falconeri, Cervus kazusensis, Cervus cf. yesoensis, Elaphurus sp., Stegodon aurorae
- Fossils: Stegodon protoaurorae, Insects, Diatoms (Freshwater, Brackish)
- Fossils (Plants): Juglans megacinerea, Metasequia disticha (Metasequoia cfr. glyptostroboides), Picea maximowiczii, Pterocarya rhoifolia, Copal
- Fossils (Pollen): Metasequoia sp.
- Fossils (Footprints): Stegodon aurorae, Cetartiodactyla
- Ueki et al. (2013) Geology of the Hachioji District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 137p. (in Japanese with English abstract 6p.)
- Ueki and Sakai (2007) Geology of the Ome District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 189p. (in Japanese with English abstract 5p.)