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Iwatake Glaciolacustrine Deposits Nakano et al., 2002
- Coherent formation
- Pleistocene (MIS 3 - 4; 50,000 - 48,300 yBP, 14C)
- Sedimentary facies: Lacustrine
- Sedimentary facies: Low land behind the moraine
- Lithofacies (Upper): Interbedded peat and silt
- Lithofacies (Lower): Serpentinite gravel-bearing clay
- Sedimentary structures (Upper): Parallel stratification
- Thickness (Upper): 1.6 m
- Thickness (Lower): 0.5 m
- Lower limit: Unconformity (Iwatake stage)
- Distribution: Mount Iwatakeyama - Kitamatairi, Hakuba city, Kitaazumi county, Nagano pref.
- Nakano et al. (2002) Geology of the Shiroumadake District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, 105p. (in Japanese with English abstract 5p.)