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Nodai Formation Kitamura et al., 1957
Invalid synonym: Hatake Formation (distributedn in Hatake, Kawauchi town)
- Type locality: Fukuura river, Kawauchi town, Mutsu city, Aomori prefecture
- Coherent formation
- Pleistocene
- Sedimentary facies: Lacustrine
- Lithofacies: Conglomerate, Sandstone, Mudstone, Tuffaceous sandstone, Tuffaceous siltstone
- Distribution: Hatake, Kawauchi town, Mutsu city, Aomori pref.; Fukuura river - Orikedo river - Shikedo? river - Shinsaburo creek, Kawauchi town, Mutsu city, Aomori pref.
- Fossils (Diatoms): Achnanthes canceolata, Centronella reichelti, Diatoma vwlgare, Diploneis ovalis, Epithemia sp., Fragilaria construens, Navicula sp., Navicula gastrum, Navicula radiosa, Opephora martyi, Pinnularia interrupta, Pinnularia sp., Stephanodiscus niagarae, Surirella sp., Synedra ulna, Synedra vancheriae
- Uemura (1975) Geology of the Mutsukawauchi District, Quadrangle Series, Scale 1:50,000, Geological Survey of Japan, 39p. (in Japanese with English abstract 7p.)