TrekGEO > Geology of Japan > Geology of Tokushima prefecture

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Tokushima prefecture

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Geology of Tokushima prefecture

Prefectural Rock: Blue schist of Mount Bizan and Kotsu district

Minerals | Fossils | Hot springs

Geological units reported from Tokushima prefecture

A list of stratigraphic units and igneous bodies reported in Tokushima prefecture, Shikoku region, Shikoku island, Japan

Geological settings

Sediments (Quaternary - Neogene)

Sediments (Paleogene and older)

Accretionary complexes (Paleogene, Late Cretaceous, Jurassic - Late Triassic)

Plutonic rocks (Ilmenite series)

Low-P metamorphic rocks (Cretaceous)

High-P metamorphic rocks (Cretaceous)

Serpentine mélange

Guidebooks of geology in Tokushima prefecture

Geology guide series-25 Tokushima prefecture Geological guide, Kiyoshi Okumura, Tokushimaken Chigakunogaido Henshuiinkai ed., Corona Publishing Co., Ltd., 208p. (2001), in Japanese, ISBN4-339-07525-6 C3344

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