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Geology of Osaka prefecture
Prefectural Rock: Izumi-ishi (Sandstone) of Izumi mountains
Minerals | Fossils | Hot springs
Geological units reported from Osaka prefecture
A list of stratigraphic units and igneous bodies reported in Osaka prefecture, Kinki region, Honshu island, Japan
Geological settings
Sediments (Quaternary - Neogene)
Accretionary complexes (Jurassic - Late Triassic, Triassic - Permian)
Plutonic rocks (Ilmenite series)
Low-P metamorphic rocks (Cretaceous)
Guidebooks of geology in Osaka prefecture
Nature of Osaka and Kobe, Minoru Ichihara, Chigaku Dantai Kenkyukai Osaka-shibu ed., Sogensha Inc., 206p. (1979), in Japanese, 0044-220121-4202
Nature Hiking of Osaka, Chigaku Dantai Kenkyukai Osaka-shibu ed., Sogensha Inc., 329p. (1987), in Japanese, ISBN4-22014-4 C0044
History of the earth Kobe, Osaka, Nara, Wakayama, Chigaku Dantai Kenkyukai Osaka-shibu ed., Tsukiji Shokan Publishing Co., Ltd., 224p. (1999), ISBN4-8067-1164-0 C0044