Awashiro Mine
Furikusa, Toei city, Kita-Shitara county, Aichi pref., Japan
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Furikusa Mine, Iname Mine
Neutral metasomatic rocks of Illite-Chlorite zone
Sericite deposit in the middle Miocene (14 Ma) sericitization zone formed in dacitic tuff breccia of the Shitara Volcanic Rocks by intrusion of dacite dikes of the middle Miocene (15 Ma) Shitara central dike swarm. The Shitara Volcanic Rocks and the Shitara centeral dike swarm are considered as members of the Miocene Shitara Caldera Complex. The heat source of the deposit formation is dacite dikes. Formation age of the deposit was determined by K-Ar radiometric dating of sericite.
Outcrop of dacitic tuff breccia of the Shitara Volcanic Rocks subjected to sericitization alteration. The brown host is altered tuff breccia, and angular lapilli are clearly observed. The white parts are massive sericite.
Reported Minerals
- Pyrite
- Stibnite
- Arsenopyrite
- Sericite
Mineral Assemblages
- Sericite - Pyrite - Arsenopyrite
- Sericite - Stibnite
- Awashiro Mine (Sericitization)
- Harimichi Pass (Sericitization)
- Iri-Kruizawa (Thulite)
- Kami-Takeshi (Epidote, Nodule)
Related Occurrences
- Halloysite zone (Alunite zone, Argillized zone)
- Kaolinite zone (Alunite zone, Argillized zone)
- Minamiite-Alunite zone (Alunite zone)
- Pyrophyllite zone
- Smectite zone (Argillized zone)
- Interstratified mineral zone (Argillized zone)
- Illite-Chlorite zone (Propylite zone)
- Epidote-Actinolite zone
- Stilbite-Mordenite zone (Zeolite zone)
- Heulandite-Analcime zone (Zeolite zone)
- Laumontite-Albite zone (Zeolite z., Propylite z.)
- Wairakite-Albite zone (Zeolite zone)