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Yugawaralite (Photo) [abbr. Yug ]
Year of discovery: 1952 (Japan as the first occurence in the World)
Locality list: 30 localities of yugawaralite
- CaAl2Si6O16,4H2O
- [Ca2+][(AlSi3O8)2]2-,4H2O
- 4H2O => 5H2O: Goosecreekite
- Color: Colorless, White
- Streak: White
- Luster: Vitreous
- Diaphaneity: Transparent
- Cleavage: Indistinct on {010} (1 plane)
- Hardness: 4.5
- Density: 2.2
- System: Monoclinic
- Group: m, Pc
- Lattice: a=6.7, b=14.0, c=10.1, β=111.5
Etymology: Yugawara city in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, the address of the Fudo fall where this mineral was discovered for the first time.