[ Top ] [ Japanese ]
Year of discovery: 2003 (Japan as the first occurence in the World)
Locality list: A locality of iwashiroite-(Y)
- YTaO4
- Y(Ta,Nb)O4
- [Y3+][TaO4]3-
- Y2 => MnSn; Wodginite
- Y2 => FeSn; Ferrowodginite
- Y2 => MnTi; Titanowodginite
- Color: Dark reddish brown, Yellowish brown
- Streak: Pale brown
- Luster: Vitreous
- Diaphaneity: Translucent
- Cleavage: Good on {010} (1 plane), Imperfect on {001} (1 plane)
- Hardness: 6
- Density: 7.1
- System: Monoclinic
- Group: 2/m, P2/a
- Lattice: a=5.3, b=5.5, c=5.1, β=95.1
Etymology: Iwashiro, old county name of western Fukushima prefecture, Japan, where this mineral was discovered for the first time .
The old county name of eastern Fukushima prefecture, Iwaki, is the etymology of Iwakiite.