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Year of discovery: 1904 (Lengenbach quarry, Switzerland), 1997 (Japan)
Locality list: A locality of hutchinsonite
- TlPbAs5S9
- (Tl,Pb)2As5S9
- [Tl+][Pb2+][As3+5][S9]18-
- Color: Red, Dark red
- Streak: Red
- Luster: Adamantine
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Habit: Prismatic, Acicular elongated to [001]
- Aggregate: Radial
- Cleavage: Good on {010} (1 plane)
- Hardness: 1.5-2
- Density: 4.7
- System: Orthorhombic
- Group: mmm, Pbca
- Lattice: a=10.8, b=35.4, c=8.2
Etymology: Prof. Arthur Hutchinson (1866-1937), British mineralogist