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Gratonite (Photo)
Year of discovery: 1939 (Excelsior mine, Peru), 1984 (Japan)
Locality list: A locality of gratonite
- Pb9As4S15
- [Pb2+9][As3+4][S15]30-
- Color: Dark lead black
- Streak: Black
- Luster: Metallic
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Habit: Prismatic elongated to [0001] with end faces {11-20} and {02-21}
- Cleavage: No
- Hardness: 2.5
- Density: 6.2
- System: Trigonal
- Group: 3m, R3m
- Lattice: a=17.8, c=7.8
Etymology: Professor Louis Caryl Graton (1880-1970), economic geologist of Harvard University, USA