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Dufrénoysite, Dufrenoysite
Year of discovery: 1845 (Lengenbach quarry, Switzerland), 2000 (Japan)
Locality list: A locality of dufrénoysite
- Pb2As2S5
- [Pb2+2][As3+2][S5]10-
- As => Bi: Cosalite
- As => Sb: Veenite (Series), Plumosite
- Color: Grayish Black
- Streak: Reddish brown
- Luster: Metallic
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Habit: Tabular elongated to [001] or [010]
- Striation: [001] on (010)
- Twin: {001}
- Cleavage: Perfect on {010} (1 planes)
- Hardness: 3
- Density: 5.6
- System: Monoclinic
- Group: 2/m, P21/m
- Lattice: a=7.9, b=25.7, c=8.4, β=90.3
Etymology: Pierre Armand Petit Dufrenoy (1792-1857) of mining school in France