[ Top ] [ Japanese ]
Year of discovery: 1790 (World), 1899 (Japan)
Locality list: 17 localities of chrysoberyl
- BeAl2O4
- [Be2+][Al3+2][O4]8-
- Color: Pale green
- Streak: White
- Luster: Vitreous
- Diaphaneity: Transparent-Translucent
- Habit: Tabular, Pseudohexagonal prism by twin
- Twin: Intrusive twinning
- Cleavage: Distinct on {110} (2 planes), Indistinct on {010} (1 plane)
- Hardness: 8.5
- Density: 3.7
- System: Orthorhombic
- Group: mmm, Pmnb
- Lattice: a=5.5, b=9.4, c=4.4
Etymology: Chrysos (gold) in Greek