[ Top ] [ Japanese ]
Year of discovery: 1852 (Patapsco mine, USA), 1942 (Japan)
Locality list: 7 localities of carrollite
- CuCo2S4
- Cu(Co,Ni)2S4
- [Cu+][Co3.5+2][S4]8-
- Co => Ni: Fletcherite
- Co => Ir: Cuproiridsite
- Co => Cr: Cuprokalininite
- Co => Rh: Cuprorhodsite
- Co => Pt: Malanite
- Co => (Cr,Sb): Florensovite
- Color: Light gray-Steel gray
- Tarnish: Reddish brown (Rare)
- Streak: Dark gray
- Luster: Metallic
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Habit: Dodecahedral
- Twin: {111}
- Cleavage: No, Parting on {001} (3 planes)
- Hardness: 4.5-5.5
- Density: 4.7
- System: Cubic
- Group: m3m, Fd3m
- Lattice: a=9.5
Etymology: Carroll Corp., Maryland, USA