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Year of discovery: 1893 (Colquechaca (Aullagas), Bolivia), 1969 (Japan)
Locality list: 17 localities of canfieldite
- Ag8SnS6
- Ag8(Sn,Ge)(S,Te)6
- [Ag+8][Sn4+][S6]12-
- Color: Reddish steel gray
- Tarnish: Bluish to purplish black
- Streak: Grayish black
- Luster: Metallic
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Habit: Pseudooctahdron, Pseudododecahdron
- Twin: {111} spinel twin of octahedron, periodical intrusive twin of dodecahedron
- Cleavage: No
- Hardness: 2.5
- Density: 6.3
- System: Orthorhombic, Pseudoisometric
- Group: mm2, Pna21
- Lattice: a=15.3, b=7.5, c=10.7
Etymology: Frederick Alexander Canfield (1849-1926), collector and mining engineer from Dover, New Jersey, USA