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Awaruite [abbr. Awr ]
Year of discovery: 1885 (Gorge river, New Zealand), 1964 (Japan)
Locality list: 18 localities of awaruite
- Ni3Fe
- Ni2Fe-Ni3Fe
- [Ni3][Fe]
- Ni3Fe => FeNi: Tetrataenite
- Color: Silver white - Grayish white
- Streak: Light gray
- Luster: Metallic
- Diaphaneity: Opaque
- Aggregate: Nugget, Granular
- Cleavage: No
- Hardness: 5
- Density: 8.0
- System: Cubic
- Group: m3m, Fm3m
- Lattice: a=3.6
Etymology: Awarua bay, New Zealand